Rider Profiles

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wind, wind and more wind, and Fred kicks some hiney

Pete, Fred and I set out today into the wind in the Spring Cycling Classic. 30mph from the NNW, which made for fun 48 mile race day. They ran the Masters, cat 4s and women 1-2-3 together in our heat. Fred had a great result, beating all the Cat 4s and all of the Masters except two cat 2s (guess the 2s like to beat up on kids for their lunch money, too), finishing third in our heat. He also initiated the second break, after the 2s took off in the first 5 miles. Pete had his shifter die during the race, so no big gears for the 40 mph sections. A shame, since he was riding well. I had my worst day ever on the bike-had a very bad patch into the wind during the first lap, got dropped and finishing many minutes down from everybody-a good day for me to forget. But....nice work, Fred!

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