Rider Profiles

Monday, June 22, 2009

Horribly Hilly Hundreds

Velo Velocistas Pete (El Guapo) and Betty "Crash" Cook conquered the endurance ride last Saturday called the Horribly Hilly Hundreds. It's billed as the toughest one day ride in the Midwest.

The ride is up in SW Wisconsin, about 30 miles west of Madison at Blue Mounds State Park. This stinking ride sold out in a record 14 minutes this year. That for 1000 slots. They saved 300 slots for a random drawing later, so the ride had 1300 total.

Betty, Bill (the Mad Downhill Bomber) Medcalf and El Guapo started the beastly ride around 630 AM. Right off the bat there was an ascent of 1.5 miles up Blue Mounds State Park road, which is a steady 12%. The weather was outstanding, if a little hot. The ride claims 45 hills to climb, most of which range between 10-15%. There was plenty of suffering taking place.

Bill rode hard and completed the 100K plus another 7 miles for a total of 70. He and Betty took turns firing past me in their full tuck position on the downhills, as I waited down at the bottom of many hills. Somehow, I was elected team photographer. Betty was easy to spot in her Tony-the-Tiger Velo gear, but Bill opted for the ubiquitous red and black UNMC gear, which was hard to pick out.

Above is a great photo of Betty's hiney with Bill drafting closely behind the behind (pardon the bun):

Here is El Guapo's artistic shot of the day, catching Bill and Betty cresting a beastly hill at the end of Stage 2. Pinarello's deserve some camera time, as we all know that Campy Rules! (Right Betty?)

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