Rider Profiles

Monday, June 22, 2009

Yutan TT: revisited

Hey gang,

Here are some fine photos that my brother took near the turnaround point, plus a couple more from my camera, courtesy one-winged Jackie. Here's our Jackie with Harvey pitching in early. In the background, volunteers Andy Keffer and Dave Randleman get the junior bikes ready for rollout.

Here's a photo of the human locomotive Fred Galata churns his way to yet another state crown, his gadzillionith. Congratulations again, Fred, on an outstanding victory in 55+ Men's and a blazing time. Talk about scorched earth policy, Fred wrote it!

Pete (El Guapo) has a rabbit in his sights as he makes a tight corner at the turnaround point. Pete ekes out a state title for 45+ men as he squeaks by the highly talented John Vondracek and Greg Shimonek for the win.

The four horsemen, err, Velo Veloce juniors look fit and fast in their stripes. Left to right are Conor Randleman, Jack Perry, Zach Lau and Simone Duryea. Conor wins the Junior Men's gold, followed by Zach for silver and Jack for Bronze. Simone zips to the Junior women's gold, even with a mechanical slowing her down. They form the nucleus for a solid Velo Veloce racing team for years to come. Congratulations juniors!!

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