Rider Profiles

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Ecstasy and the Agony

Yes, intentionally a spin on the famous movie Agony and the Ecstasy about Michaelangelo. This, however, was not a work of art. Here's a "race" report about my 1st ever marathon; the 10-10-10 Chicago Marathon.

The Ecstasy: I've been training long and hard for this. Why a marathon? Easy answer is I'm going thru a mid-life crisis. Trying to purge the inner demons by abusing the body. Also, checking things off of my bucket list. I've decided running itself is evil as it is so hard on the bod. But it is addictive too. It's ez to do by yourself, with your iPod and a goal. My goal was to run 3:30 or less as a 3:35 would qualify me for the Boston Marathon.

The decision to make this a fundraising run was nice. Never done that before. Our FSIS team raised nearly $5000 for Team World Vision and World Vision's project in Zimbabwe. Thanks to all my friends and family who allowed me to reach my individual goal of $1310. At last count, I was over $1500!

Day of the race I got up early. Got on the El and arrived at start area in the dark. Got up front as far as I could in the Open division, just behind the start corrals that contained the Nike pace groups. I found fellow Team WV runner Christine, who gave me good advice. Finally, with the excitement building, we started moving toward the start line. I felt good out of the gate. It was tuff making your way around slower runners due to the jam-packed roads. I eventually got moving unimpeded and found a runner in Team WV gear that was doing a pace I found to my liking. We eventually caught up and passed the 3:30 Nike pace team which started way ahead of us. I saw Millie and Monie rooting for me at mile 11 at the TWV cheer site and high-fived them on the way by. Felt great thru the half way point and was ahead of pace with a 1:40 half. Things started slowing down for me about mile 17, but I was still well ahead of the 3:30 pace. They caught me about mile 19, so I jumped in with them and picked up my pace.

The Agony: Started at mile 21 or so. Working hard and all of a sudden my left leg cramped up. Brought me to a screeching stop. When I bent over to stretch it, the right leg seized. Arrrrgghhh! The best laid plans of mice and men soon go awry. I had to walk (eventually) for about two or three miles. All the progress I

had made slipped away. I coax the legs back to a slow shuffle, then a half-ass jog and finish the last two miles. The goal poofed into thin air. No 3:30, no 3:35, the only thing left to accomplish was finishing. I managed to stumble across at 3:58:26. So bummed out because I had 3:30 right there for the taking and choked it away. After crossing the line I swore I'd never, ever do another marathon. Pain passes tho, and a day later I'm already planning how I'll do it better next time. Train harder. Better nutrition. Better pacing. Etc. Just like Arnold.....I'll be back. That goal was within my grasp and it slipped thru. Grrrrrr!

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