Rider Profiles

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Map my Velo Ride ride

Ain't good lookin' but you know I ain't shy.. Fellow Velo's today, three riders became 10 plus riders, and it was a party train on wheels. Taking this road and rippin' on it wide. Penetrating the hills like One Cosmic Ray (pg 282, Webster's). We cut seamlessly through with no trace behind. With electrolytes and Perpetuem dripping down the legs (bad water bottles), I assumed a paceline position and gave thanks for it all anyway. Didn't need no stinkin' PowerBar leftover from last season; Velotrain swallowed me whole, kept me safe and compressed lending supersonic synergy needed to empower an explosive attack('cept I didn't attack cuz these guys are really nice and who knows where the next turnoff was) BUT you just don't show your stuff off when you got the stuff from your own team! Not now anyway. We knock out more hills and straights. Pass a church right after an impressive incline.."thanks God for gettin' me here..OMG another /^#@*impressive incline, back-to-back!" Life is sneaky sometimes. Fred talks like it's a picnic and encourages me to let me be myself and blow this *@*/ off for good. Pete, my martyr(Webster's, pg 762) has taken off on another route, missing my chance for a good 'Where'd ya get your socks ' conversation; drats wingman next time! Last downhill and I didn't even know it till Troy sped up, if he's takin' it then this must be over I thought. I just had to kick it out now and Shoot to Thrill, play to kill...playin Smoke on the Water, then we had to stop at the stop sign. I hate stop signs but they can save your life. There's all my guys from the break off. And we all take part in this manisfestation of the rides realities, at Scooter's, where the bathrooms are presumably clean. Thanks fellas for making me feel like Queen of the Wheel today. BIKE TRIVIA: In 1927, Tulio Campagnolo invented the what? A: The quick-release wheel. The Italian racer was in the snow when a tire punctured. His hands were too numb to undo his wingnuts! ;D He abandaned the race.
o-o~Speed Queen

1 comment:

El Guapo said...

You were the real deal today. Way to slide in the pack and hang tuff. It was an honor to be your wingman today. What's good for the Goose, is good for the Maverick.Ciao, baby! El Guapo